Platform aims to support governments enrich their societies, and prepare them for the future through knowledge, with access to world-class best practices shared by a pool of Trainers in many sectors, in addition to Gov. KPI’s Assessments tools with real examples that help implement each KPI.
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تحسين مهارات التواصل الكتابي والاحترافي. تغطي الورشة مواضيع مثل كتابة رسائل إلكترونية واضحة ومهنية، تنظيم وهيكلة الرسائل، نصائح لل
Aug 01, 2025
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Professional Work Shadowing Programmme is a training initiative for employees and students. The program educates and familiarizes the target groups with the Sharjah Government Media Bureau’s mechanisms and regulations. The program adheres to a timetable with specific objectives, in which an experienced and competent office employee (the mentor employee) directs and guides a new employee or student in order to acquire practical experience in a variety of fields of work.
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