A special session titled “The Woman Citizen”, by Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi, Wife of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah, Chairperson of Nama Women Advancement Establishment . Her Highness will address with a keynote important subjects that relate to The Woman Citizen and introduce the session.
Women are an inherent part of our society and cannot be neglected. As an integral part in every culture, women and children support the family morally and not seldom financially.
At a time of growing conflicts and change of priorities, it has become highly important to involve women as proactive drivers of change and contributors to the economy.
Humanitarian action, the empowerment of less fortunate social groups in this particular stage and the support of women are humanity’s safety valve. Aforementioned is also the key to achieving natural balance in the face of growing feelings of hatred, extremism and disregard of the fate of human beings.
The main objective of looking after different social groups, supporting the presence of women at the local and international arena and embracing humanitarian issues is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and promote economic efficiency together with other development outcomes.
The role that government communication units and the media can play in the adoption and promotion of women as integral parts of the workforce, women as drivers of cultural diversity and driving force in prevention of violence against women, are highly important for a balanced society and will drive changes initiated by a male dominated sector supporting women.
The panellists comprise four successful women that brought change and are global advocates of women empowerment. Her Highness will elaborate on topics that are constantly present on the global agenda concerning the Citizen Woman and best practices will be presented to the audience.
- Reflection of the experience of Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher bint Mohammed Al Qasimi in her work
- Highlighting the importance of men supporting women by looking into objectives and the outcome with the involvement of men
- Highlighting the role of women in society by outlining best practices of women in leadership and women that have brought change within their community or the workforce
- Emphasising the importance of coordination between relevant international organisations for the success of humanitarian and social initiatives, and discussing the role of government communication in facilitating this coordination and creating the proper public environment for supporting these efforts
- Creating awareness for successful women to mentor novice talents and to nurture skills of the next generation of female leadership
- Highlighting sectors that use women as profit accelerators and how governments and local as well as regional private organisations should react and prevent abuse of women as products
- Evaluating and critically reflecting on the role of government communication in the activation of laws and norms endorsed by international institutions for the protection of women
- The role of government communication in conveying the shining example of the country and the emirate of Sharjah with respect to the projects undertaken for female and family empowerment, in a way that inspires international forums to emulate it